Changing presentation layout, class or selecting beamer presentation:

  \documentclass[pdf, mathserif, aspectratio=169]{beamer}

To show slide number, add this line near the beginning:

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] 

To alert readers of an important content

  This text will be shown \alert{red}

A block of text:

  \begin{block}{Problem Statement}
    Retime a geometric path subject to the following constraints:
    \item joint velocity bounds;
    \item joint acceleration bounds;
    \item joint torque bounds;
    \item Friction between robot and enviroment;
    \item Suction/grasp force between robot and object.

Different block variants

  \begin{alertblock}{Research problem}
    Computing time-parametrization remains challenging in practice.

  \begin{example}{Example problems}

Font size:

    \normalsize (default)

Dynamically show or hide components in beamer. For example: switch from displaying one figure to another in two consecutive frames.

	% code to display figure 1
	% code to display figure 2

Note that the overlay area, which is where the figures are drawn, has fixed size and are set during initialization.

To reveal a list item by item, use \pause

  \begin{block}{Problem Statement}
    Retime a geometric path subject to the following constraints:
    \item joint velocity bounds; \pause
    \item joint acceleration bounds; \pause
    \item joint torque bounds; \pause
    \item Friction between robot and enviroment; \pause
    \item Suction/grasp force between robot and object.

We can also set overlay for selected components such as alert or block like so:

\alert<2>{This is shown only on the second overlay.}
\alert<2-5>{This is shown on overlay number 2 to 5.}
\alert<2->{This is shown on overlay number 2 onward.}

\begin{block}<2>{This block is shown on overlay number 2}