Convex Controller Synthesis for Robot Contact
By Hung Pham and Quang-Cuong Pham, in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020. Also presented at ICRA 2020. [paper (arXiv)]
HOWTO: Install Real-Time Linux Kernel
Setup a custom Desktop Environment for Linux.
This is a short note on setting up a Desktop Environment.
Returning None or raising Exception
During my development of
, a thing bugs me quite often: how to handle failure? The problem is thattoppra
is a fairly complicated algorithm with several hotspots for numerical instabilities. In another words, it fails often and in different places. For example, consider the below pseudo-code:Commonly used beamer commands
Changing presentation layout, class or selecting beamer presentation:
\documentclass[pdf, mathserif, aspectratio=169]{beamer}
Logging in Python
Logging properly is important. Beside from being much easier to develop, an application with a good logging system is much easier to maintain. This note briefly describes how one can perform logging in Python.
Managing dotfiles
Intuition on programming threads
Looking back at this note in 2022, it’s amazing to see how time flies. I didn’t have the formal training in software engineering and had to learn about such concepts by myself through books and articles. It was tough but fun!
Deriving the Equation of Motion of a Serial Elastic Actuator
This note shows how I derive the Equation of Motion (EoM) for a 1-dimensional Serial Elastic Actuator (SEA). The main goal is not about the EoM, but rather how can one use a computer algebra system (CAS) to derive equation of motion very easily.
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